Intermission is done

Still a bit slow getting everything wound back up again, but going to be spending more time with chemistry and in the darkroom. I’m having a bit of a personal dilemma of having less comfort with the previous stuff I photographed (street, travel)… but I’m figuring out how to go forward because I really still love photography. Probably going to be experimenting for a while to figure out what’s fun. Abstract stuff is my current aim for figuring out.

I’ve published a youtube video as well and will begin working on a series there about lith printing: Lith Printing With Modern Materials: Introduction (part 0)

I also have a few different drafts for my blog that need to be finished including GVK3, an improved version of my GVK1 developer, messing around with printing out paper emulsions, and kallitype fun. Either way, I’m finally comfortable and in a place where I can start focusing on hobbies again, so hopefully more stuff is published here soon.