Formula and Process References


Ortho Litho + PFS-4 Formula/Process

Ortho Litho film is an easily available and incredibly cheap film. It is normally extremely slow and extremely high contrast and thus difficult to use for pictorial results. In this reference guide, I cover what can be done to combat this and how to process it both for high speed and low speed applications to produce experimental and unique results.


ModernLith — A lith printing developer designed for modern materials

Lith printing is a unique printing process done by over exposing the print and then pulling the print before it is completely developed. The results are often colorful and with unparalleled control of the contrast of the print. Unfortunately, lith printing is traditionally not possible or produces poor results with most modern papers. ModernLith is a unique developer which was formulated to enable lith printing to be done with modern papers, including Ilford and Fomatone branded ones. It is a true lith printing developer with full contrast control and produces colorful prints. It works great with many modern papers, though has some problems with a few types and is overall a bit more temperamental than commercial lith developer formulas


C-41 Reversal Development

Coming soon!


RA-4 Reversal Printing

Coming soon!