Every quarter (ie, 4 times per year) I’ll send an update basically summarizing all of the experiments and findings etc.that I cover with my blog. I’ve traditionally been kinda bad at this, so consider 4 times per year the goal and/or maximum… but I’m trying to get things back on track! Basically if you like what I do, but don’t want to come here every day to see what I’m doing, subscribe and you’ll see the most important and interesting bits. This can include things like reviews of new film stocks, new discoveries and/or progress with experimental processes, and of course new formulas and other reference data. I will never send you spam. I limit it to every quarter because my rate of experimentation is pretty variable month to month, but over a period of 3 months I almost always have some cool new stuff figured out. Sometimes there may only be one or two topics, but it just depends on how much time I have.

Note: sometimes I might not send a news letter for far longer than 1 quarter. I only say I will never send more than 1 email per quarter. ie, no junk spam!

You can view previous newsletters by checking out the newsletter blog category.

(Psst. If you want something more real time to follow, I’m also on Twitter! @grainyvision)